Promoting your Find Legal Answers service

Last updated:  26 September 2024

There are lots of different ways to let your community know that they can find legal information at your library. 

You can display promotional material, place your Tool Kit in a prominent place, use social media, and partner with legal, government and community groups.

Find Legal Answers Tool Kit

Make sure your Tool Kit is displayed where it can be seen. Use the black metal Tool Kit stand or face-out shelving so your community can easily see the collection.

Many libraries, especially those recently renovated, with lower shelving, or with limited space, no longer use the black metal stand. We recommend that these libraries display the Tool Kit on face-out shelving, promoting the collection with a Tool Kit sign.

  • Order Tool Kit signs and stickers using our online order form.  
  • Download the Tool Kit flyer and display it with your collection.

Promotional material

The easiest way to promote Find Legal Answers is to display promotional material in all your library locations. All promotional material is provided to you free of charge.  

  • See the list of promotional material available to order.
  • Order signs, brochures, bookmarks and stickers using our online order form.
  • Download the Find Legal Answers poster and display it in your library.

Your library website

Make sure your library users can find Find Legal Answers on your library's website.  

Download the Find Legal Answers logo and use this suggested text for your website: Find plain English information about the law on the Find Legal Answers website.

Social media

Libraries can provide information about many everyday legal issues. Posting on your social media channels is a great way to let your community know that the library is a source of legal information, and to let them know where they can find information and help.

Specific times of the year

Specific weeks like Law Week, the Seniors Festival, Youth Week and Scams Awareness Week are good opportunities to promote the service or host a community legal education program.

Law Week

NSW Law Week is a week dedicated to learning more about the law. It is held in May every year.

Law Week events help people to understand their rights, find answers to questions, know what help is available and learn how our legal system works. Libraries put on a variety of events for Law Week - from displays and legal talks to plays, mock trials, webinars, pop-up libraries and expos. 

Seniors Festival

Many libraries are involved in events and activities during the Seniors Festival, held in March every year. You can use your Find Legal Answers resources to promote awareness of legal issues during the Seniors Festival and at other times of the year.

Youth Week  

It is important that young people know their legal rights, and where to get help. Youth Week is held in April, and is a good time to let the young people in your community know about the law.

Scams Awareness Week

Scams Awareness Week is held in August. 

ScamWatch provides the theme and a social media campaign about recognising, avoiding and recovering from scams. Libraries can use this campaign on their social media channels.

It is also a good time to arrange a talk about scams.

Find Legal Answers in the community

Many libraries participate in pop-up events, for example field days, festivals, expos, stands in local shopping centres. Don’t forget to take along your Tool Kit to these events, and to promote the Find Legal Answers website.

Partnerships with other agencies

You don’t have to work alone to provide legal information to your community. You can partner with legal agencies like Legal Aid NSW or a community legal centre or with government agencies such as Service NSW to provide community legal education talks and programs.

Keep in touch

Find out about promotional opportunities and news by signing up to the Find Legal Answers email list and the PLS enewsletter.