Large print and audiobooks in English
The State Library purchases large print and audiobooks for adults with vision impairment/who are blind or with low vision. These collections are provided to NSW public libraries on long-term loan to support their community.
The State Library will retain ownership of the collection as per the Library’s audit requirements. This is seven years for English large print and talking book items.
How to request a long-term loan of books
You can contact to request a long-term loan. Libraries can choose to receive large print or talking books or both. Where possible, desired genres and subjects can be supplied. Regional libraries and libraries with small large print and talking book collections will be prioritised.
The long-term loan of large print and talking book items should be for at least two years.
- Adding the loan-term loan to your catalogue
A full list of items will be provided when the loan is sent to your library. You can also request a complete list at any time by contacting
Full MARC records for items on long-term loan can be downloaded from Libraries Australia and integrated to your LMS, or viewed on the State Library catalogue if you don’t have a Libraries Australia subscription.
The State Library spine label and barcode should remain on items so they can be located on the State Library catalogue. You are welcome to attach their own barcode to items they receive for lending purposes.
- Requesting an interlibrary loan from the collection
When books are sent to a public library, the State Library catalogue is updated to show which library service an item is at. Interlibrary loan requests should be placed directly with the public library that has the item and then returned directly to that library.