Early language and literacy

Last updated:  18 July 2024

Early literacy project

The State Library of NSW partnered with the Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University on a project to support public libraries in NSW to be recognised for the early literacy services offered.  The project included a literature review, survey of public library staff and observation of early literacy programs. The  early literacy framework and toolkit were developed in 2018 to help public library staff deliver programs that optimise early literacy and learning. 

Project resources

Dr Emilia Djonov (Macquarie University) provides an overview of the research project to develop the Early language and literacy in NSW public libraries: framework for developing and evaluating early literacy sessions (Djonov, Stenglin & Torr), 5 November 2018 at the State Library of NSW.

Watch the video here


Early language and literacy tool kit

The tool kit contains helpful tips, guidelines and templates that can be downloaded.

Woman holding a baby and reading a book together