Find Legal Answers for public libraries

Anyone visiting your library may need legal information - they may be having a problem with their rental home, going through a divorce, have a traffic fine they can't pay or are trying to negotiate a new fence with their neighbours. Even if they're never asked a question about the law, libraries can help people find answers to their legal issues and problems.

Find Legal Answers is a free legal information service. It is a partnership between the State Library of NSW and NSW public libraries.

The State Library provides quality legal information to NSW public libraries via standard legal collections, the Find Legal Answers website, promotional material, and legal education campaigns. The Library also provides professional development courses which build the skills, knowledge and confidence of public library staff to meet the legal information needs of their communities.


The Find Legal Answers law collections range from simple pamphlets to more complex legal text books.

It is recommended that all libraries have a collection of legal pamphlets from Legal Aid NSW and other legal service agencies.

The Find Legal Answers Tool Kit is a collection of plain language books answering everyday questions about the law.

The Law Books for Libraries collections contain more complex resources, eg law text books. This collection is provided to help people who need more detailed information that can be found in the plain English books in the Tool Kit.

Woman sitting looking at books in a display stand

Law Week and community legal education

Man giving a presentation in front of a large screen

Law Week

Every year, NSW public libraries celebrate Law Week with a variety of events and programs.

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A group of people watching a presentation

Community legal education

Providing community legal education programs helps build knowledge about people’s legal rights. 

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Download the agreement which sets out the requirements of NSW public libraries and the State Library of NSW to provide the Find Legal Answers service.

Professional development

Keep in touch

Find out about collection updates, training, promotional campaigns and other news by signing up to the Find Legal Answers email list and the PLS enewsletter

People walking through Central Railway station

Find Legal Answers website

The Find Legal Answers website provides plain English information about the law. There are links to information from legal service agencies as well as legal books in full text.

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