indyreads social media kit

Last updated:  28 March 2024

The indyreads platform provides public libraries with free access to a diverse collection of quality Australian and international eBooks and eAudio titles.

About this campaign

The purpose of this social media campaign is to raise awareness and encourage uptake of the indyreads platform.

This kit provides you with online resources that can be shared with your community. You can create your own posts, or use the images and suggested text on your social media channels.

You can use the suggested social media posts on your channels during the summer and winter reading promotions or at any time of the year.

How to use this kit

  1. Share provided social media posts and images on your social media accounts
  2. Add the hashtags #indyreadsNSW and #NSWPublicLibraries
  3. Follow us on Instagram and like and share our posts: @publiclibrariesNSW

Sample posts

indyreads app

Use the images and suggested posts to promote the indyreads app on your social media channels.

Images and posts are available on several different themes including getting started on indyreads, audiobooks, children, teens, collections in languages other than English and learning English.


Ideas for promoting indyreads on social media
  • If your library is promoting a title on social media, check if it is on indyreads and include that in the post  
  • Pick a title and create your own posts using the Canva templates, write a short engaging blurb giving an overview of the book
  • Create an ‘indyreads’ highlight on Instagram and post how to download and log into the app
  • Use Instagram stories to promote indyreads – share your own or reshare posts from the @publiclibrariesNSW account
  • Use the #indyreadsNSW and #NSWPublicLibraries hashtags on Instagram posts  

Community language collections

indyreads has resources to support multicultural communities, including collections in ten languages other than English and a collection of audiobooks to learn English.

Use the images and suggested posts to promote these collections on your social media channels.
