Library management guidelines
G1. Library management
To provide the community with a library service that is equitable, accessible, cost effective and efficient.
Main relevant standards: S1 to S5, Library management standards.
Library service management principles
Library manager is an appropriately qualified librarian.
Staff, services and resources of the public library are managed efficiently and effectively.
Relationship with council
Local council is kept informed of new developments in library service provision and their potential impact on the provision of library services.
The library interacts with other council services and community agencies to ensure that the library service is a focal point for the community.
Statistics are collected that relate to resources, staff, services and activities, in order to facilitate library planning.
Statistics are used to benchmark against other comparable libraries.
Standard statistical reporting data is provided to appropriate organisations, i.e. State Library of NSW; Australian Bureau of Statistics; National and State Libraries of Australia (NSLA).
A long-range plan is in place, stating goals, objectives, priorities, strategies, programs and policies.
New services and programs are planned and initiated according to changing needs in the community.
Library facilities are planned and developed according to changing needs in the community.
Library manager contributes to the local council’s overall planning, policy development and reporting, to ensure the library is integral to council’s broader strategic planning process e.g. community strategic plan, cultural plan and community consultation.
Policy and governance
Library manager operates and advises within the framework of the Library Act 1939 and Library Regulation 2018 and other relevant legislation including Local Government Act 1993, Copyright Act 1968 and State Records Act 1998.
Library policy documents are established, promulgated, maintained and updated — these documents include but are not limited to:
- collection development policy (retention and deselection of library materials; complaints re library materials; gifts and donations; digital practice; special collections)
- conditions of library use policy (including, for example, youth protocol, code of conduct, customer service charter, policy on exclusion of customers)
- membership policy
- circulation of library materials policy
- online information policy including internet acceptable use policy
- policy for children and young people (e.g. services, supervision, safety)
- volunteers' policy
- home library services policy.
Library manager is an advocate for the library service, communicating the value that a public library adds to the community.
Library manager contributes to and is involved in activities related to the library profession as a whole, in order to maintain professional expertise in management.
G2. Opening hours
To open at times which enable the community to make the most effective use of the library service and to ensure that the library’s resources and services are as widely available as possible.
Public libraries should be open at times when their customers might reasonably expect them to be open. Local influences on opening hours include library location, location of other community service points, local shopping and school hours, number of branches and size (area and population) of the community/region served, and number of staff employed.
Relevant standards: S3 and S4 Opening hours.
Library hours are fixed and include morning, afternoon, evening and weekend hours, based on assessment of users and potential users rather than on staff convenience.
Library opening hours are displayed outside service points.
Opening hours are consistent, predictable and easy for customers to understand.
Changes to opening hours are advertised well in advance.
The library establishes and meets the standard for hours open, appropriate for size of population served.
The nature of the community (for example, young people, families with children, seniors) is considered.
Proximity of the library to other community facilities such as shops, businesses and public transport, and their hours of operation are considered.
Remote access to library resources (e.g. online library services and resources, including the online catalogue) is available at all times.
The library provides after hours facilities for return of library materials.
Hours, once set, are routinely reviewed to consider changing demographics and circumstances.
Library hours are fixed and include morning, afternoon, evening and weekend hours, based on assessment of users and potential users rather than on staff convenience.
Library opening hours are displayed outside service points.
Opening hours are consistent, predictable and easy for customers to understand.
Changes to opening hours are advertised well in advance.
The library establishes and meets the standard for hours open, appropriate for size of population served.
The nature of the community (for example, young people, families with children, seniors) is considered.
Proximity of the library to other community facilities such as shops, businesses and public transport, and their hours of operation are considered.
Remote access to library resources (e.g. online library services and resources, including the online catalogue) is available at all times.
The library provides after hours facilities for return of library materials.
Hours, once set, are routinely reviewed to consider changing demographics and circumstances.
Suggested performance indicators
- Tier One libraries opening hours per week per capita of population
- branch library (tier two) opening hours per week per capita of population
- total opening hours (all service points) per week per capita
Points to consider
Measuring opening hours needs to take account of all service points (all central and branch opening hours) including mobile libraries. The measure of opening hours for mobile libraries is the operating time spent at mobile library stops; travelling time between stops is not counted (Public Library Statistics).